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“The 3 most important strategies you MUST do right now in order to EXPLODE your online business!"

Strategy #1:

Write only extremely effective pay-per-click ads for whatever you’re selling!

About 98% of all advertisers stink at writing and preparing ad copy. What good is advertising if your
ads don’t do their job as well as they could? You have a very limited space in which to stimulate your prospective buyers at search engines (e.g., Google allows just 25-characters per headline, and 35-characters per two additional lines of selling. You therefore MUST make the most of the very limited space!)

Strategy #2:

Generate only the absolute very most targeted select keywords and bid them appropriately to get the very best positions so that your prospects see your ads above everybody else’s!

It is your responsibility to generate every possible keyword and phrase that’s applicable to targeting your select audience. And once you’ve collected them all, you MUST bid them in such a way that you get only the TOP placement (i.e., the top blue ribbon spots on the very FRONT PAGE and for ALL your keywords!) And this usually would be extraordinarily expensive beyond 99.9% of webmasters’ and promoters’ best and most generous budgets.

Strategy #3:

Eliminate ALL this advertising costs you’d otherwise have to pay (like everyone else!)

Imagine now after having aced Strategies #1 & #2 above, you were suddenly able to just eliminate all these advertising costs involved, but WITHOUT losing your ads’ thunder or placement. This is the MOST IMPORTANT strategy of all: Forever eliminating all your PPC costs -- and regardless what they cost!  This puts YOU in the top position and gives you the ultimate cutting edge advantage over everybody else – FOREVER!


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